Dear Listeners & Facebook/Instagram Followers:
First and foremost, we (Charlie, Kari & Joe) thank you so much for being a listener and/or a social media follower of the station. Each and every one of you are truly appreciated and absolutely none of you are ever taken for granted. We cherish the friendships and relationships we have made with many of you over the years.
Bringing you music, daily shows and special programming 24/7 is a grind. Charlie has been at it for almost three years, and Joe & Kari have been at it for almost two. We’ve all put in a herculean effort here on the station despite our regular jobs, family responsibilities, household responsibilities, pets, etc. When we go on the air, what you hear is just the tip of the iceberg…behind the scenes, we have to manage social media, come up with ideas for shows and specials, set up those shows and specials, do research for those shows and specials, and finally execute them on the air day after day. To put it bluntly, we are exhausted!
We have decided to take most of the month of September off, from on air activities anyway. We will still be working hard behind the scenes to keep the station running. The station will be running all September with 24/7 commercial free, subscription free and repeat free music as always, you just won’t be hearing us or our daily/weekly shows during the month of September. We will be back Monday October 3rd.
Here is what will, and what won’t be returning in October
*Dare To Be Different with Kari (Saturday noon eastern & replay Wednesdays 7pm eastern)
*Smooth Sailing Sunday with Captain Joe (Sunday noon eastern & replay at 9pm eastern)
*Kari’s show Mondays & Wednesdays 4pm-7pm eastern
*Joe’s show Tuesdays & Thursdays 4pm-7pm eastern
*80s Deep Dive with Charlie (for now), Charlie is unsure whether he’ll continue Deep Dive into 2023 or present something new and different. Deep Dive airs Mondays thru Thursdays at 1pm eastern/replay at 8pm eastern.
*Weekend Blast-Off & Friday MegaMix (5pm/6pm eastern on Fridays)
*Even MORE music! We are adding between 800-1000 additional songs to the rotation over the next month! NO OTHER 80s station has the amount of songs in rotation that we do, with over 6000!
*The Saturday Night Dance Party. This is something the station has done the last couple of years for the Summer between Memorial Day and Labor Day. It will return next summer. We will be bringing you an occasional Saturday Night special presentation from time to time until the Saturday Night Dance Party returns.
*The Weekend Special. While we enjoy bringing these to you on a weekly basis, the numbers (listeners) just don’t warrant doing this each and every week. We will bring you weekend specials from time to time, but no longer on a weekly basis.
*The Bottom 40 Count-Up. We all thought this was going to be a big hit, and while there was enthusiasm for it on social media, unfortunately that enthusiasm did not translate to listenership.
Again, we thank you for bringing us into your homes, cars, places of work etc. We love you all. Catch you in October…..
Charlie, Kari, & Joe
***REMINDER*** The station will still be on the air in September, we just won’t be!