For the second year in a row, Charlie’s 80s Attic will be hosting the 24 Hours of Christmas! From 5pm eastern on Saturday, December 24th (Christmas Eve) until 5pm eastern on Sunday, December 25th (Christmas Day) it’s nothing but Christmas tunes in the attic! BIG Christmas hits, DEEPER Christmas tunes, and lost Christmas gems, all from the late 70s through the late 80s! Listen on the iHeartRadio, Apple Music, or on the free Charlie’s 80s Attic app available in your app store! You can also listen right here at or you can ask Alexa to play the radio station Charlie’s 80s Attic on iHeartRadio!
Set it to Charlie’s 80s Attic while you wrap those gifts, prepare those holiday meals, exchange gifts and spend time with family and friends! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from Charlie’s 80s Attic!